Bright Green Enterprise

Into Africa

We are very excited to announce a new trip for the TIA Initiative that will lead us to revisit Tanzania this April 2013. Our previous experience working in the East African region has been led by Lucy Devall, the Head of Bright Green Enterprise who set up This is Africa on the belief that enterprise projects in the UK and Africa can be mutually beneficial. Although both countries have very different learning environments, the commonalities lie with each child’s ability to think creatively, logically and conceptualise the future in which they wish to live.

Our work in Tanzania this year will not only help fulfil our aims of shaping enterprise education in the region but we also hope to bring back a wealth of knowledge learned from the students we work with there. Three key aims underpin the work of This is Africa:

  • Encouraging the future relationship between business and ethical practice for long-term economic and environmental sustainability; addressing challenges such as climate change, the environment and social impacts of business and behaviour.
  • Enhancing students’ understanding of national and international business models that will engage them towards pursuing their own interests and applying their skills.
  • Empower women economically and address diversity related issues that will build towards a stronger economic infrastructure.

On board the team travelling out will be Lucy Devall and Faye Thompson, both who have wide spread experience working in East Africa. Faye will be joining the project from her Doctorate in Uganda and her skills across biodiversity and ecology research will add invaluable direction to the programme.

We’ll update you more on the schools and areas in which we will be working in due course. If you would like further information about the TIA Initiative or our impending project, please visit our Enterprise in Africa page or email Lucy.

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