Bright Green Enterprise

Example Video

An environmental twist on Dragon’s Den, this high impact event unlocks entrepreneurial flair when students are challenged to innovate an ethical product.

Working in teams, students challenge themselves to develop their ethical product and business model: from the drawing board to the business pitch, teams join together their skills and ideas to develop new and innovative ideas.

“Today’s event has inspired me to think more green, both in and out of school.” – Year 9 Student.

Each mission builds on the last, culminating in the teams going head-to-head as they present their ideas before the notorious Green Dragons. This programme inspires students to be enterprising within the context of being environmentally and socially conscious.

“Excellent – Pacy, kept the students’ interest and involvement, elicited a high standard of work in response. Clearly contributed to the Enterprise Curriculum, and strongly supported communication and presentation skills. See you again next year!” – Careers & Enterprise Co-ordinator.

This programme works with businesses and environmental organisations in the UK and east Africa to bring your students real-life examples of ‘green’ business in action!

Suitability and Cross-Curricular links

Suitable for: Years 6-13, groups of 50-300

Programme duration: Full day, in line with the school timetable

Student outcomes: Students develop key employability skills as well as their understanding of pressing environmental issues. Each programme is tailored for specific year groups and can be adapted to particular educational areas. Examples include: PSHE, Business Studies, Economics, Social Enterprise Education, Cultural Awareness, Team Building and International Links.

In our Key Stage 4-5 level programmes we have joined forces with young ethical businesses in the UK and Tanzania to offer students the chance to participate and submit work for further consideration. Please ask us for more details.

Cross-curricular links: | Science | Design and Technology | Business Studies | Careers | Work Related Learning | Covering Literacy and Numeracy practice | PSHE | SMSC | British Values

Skills Development: Teamwork | Leadership | Delegation | Negotiation | Working to deadlines | Prioritising | Sustainable solutions | Budget Management | Financial Literacy | Speaking & Listening  | Public speaking

Further and Higher Education Links: Product Design | Engineering | Graphic Design | Business Studies | Media and Performance | Marketing | Geography

Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited | Copyright 2024 Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited