Bright Green Enterprise

Who We Are

Bright Green Enterprise specialises in project-based workshops, international innovation challenges and lectures for schools. Since 2008, our programmes have inspired and educated over 90,000 young people considering future career pathways or continued higher education.

We deliver unique programmes to Key Stage 2-5 under three core themes: Global Perspectives, Innovation for Sustainability and the Values of Humanity.

Our programmes build stronger careers skills, helping students practise and uncover their strengths and apply their interests. Take a look at how we measure skills progress.

Why Choose Bright Green Enterprise?

We believe that empathy, critical thinking and business acumen are key strengths that every student should and can possess by the time they leave school.

We also know that such skills cannot be measured or nurtured by standardised means alone. With a world in constant change, Bright Green Enterprise programmes are designed to fit the world to the student as much as fit the student to the world.

We believe that your students have the potential to be the change they wish to see in the world.

How do we Operate?

Our programmes are developed and delivered by a multidisciplinary team of professionals all working within different sectors of industry. We come together to deliver our programmes, imparting the latest, specialist advice on careers, industry and current topical debates.

With a Bright Green Enterprise programme your students will have the unique opportunity to take part in skills-sharing projects with our partner organisations and schools in Tanzania, East Africa.

Since 2012 we have worked with schools in the northern region of Tanzania developing skills-sharing projects to broaden global perspectives and enhance cross-cultural learning.

We are committed to providing your students with an inspiring academic experience whilst ensuring critical thinking, empathy and innovation are always at the forefront of our delivery.

Lucy Devall, Director of Bright Green Enterprise

Our high rebooking rate is a testament to our excellent delivery and feedback received from our events. Read what students and teachers have to say about our programmes.

Our Values

As an organisation that promotes ethical enterprise, we endeavour to operate as a carbon neutral business, travelling to and from events as a team and using recycled materials in our programmes.

We only partner with businesses that can demonstrate a robust example of environmentally-friendly operations and encourage good practice of responsible enterprise. This is evident in our partnerships across the world. Above all, we have been commended by students who recognise this as our approach.

Since our inception in 2008 we continually reinvest over 10% of our annual income to charitable education projects in East Africa as well as serving voluntarily on these projects within the field. We also directly donate a percentage of our annual gross profit to UK environmental charities and sustainability causes.

Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited | Copyright 2024 Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited