Bright Green Enterprise

Enterprise Education Impact Evaluation and Skill Assessment | Bright Green Enterprise

As part of our service we can offer schools a comprehensive impact evaluation of students’ employability skills; analysing their understanding and application of these key skills before the programme, then comparing and evaluating the impact of the enterprise day upon their skill-set development.

Using simple methodologies and quick access data, teachers and students are able to see the direct impact of Bright Green Enterprise programmes upon the development of core social and enterprise skills.

Here is a snap-shot of collective data from the latest academic year:

Enterprise Education communication skill assessment evaluation KS4 KS3
Enterprise Education critical thinking skill assessment evaluation KS4 KS3
Enterprise Education learning skill assessment evaluation KS4 KS3
Enterprise Education attitudes and behaviour skill assessment evaluation KS4 KS3
Enterprise Education working with others skill assessment evaluation KS4 KS3

Your Bright Green Book

As an additional resource to document the achievements of your students during their enterprise day, schools have the opportunity to apply for a bespoke presentation book that showcases each element of the programme. Through a combination of graphics, text and photography, each unique presentation book will be an ideal record for your school to illustrate students’ achievements to school assessors, parents and visitors.

Book for Enterprise Education in Schools, Bright Green Book, Bright Green Enterprise

Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited | Copyright 2024 Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited