Bright Green Enterprise

Enterprise Education in Tanzania

During April, Faye Thompson and Lucy Devall ran a highly successful trip to Tanzania in East Africa, beginning the roll-out of our TIA Initiative (This is Africa). Primarily focused on product development, economics and ethical business practice, the TIA Initiative runs programmes directly linked to work-related learning in schools across East Africa.

During the course of their work in Tanzania, the team ran a two-day programme with the School of St Jude at their USA River campus on the foothills of Mount Meru. The school is an excellent example of free education in operation, and at its best. Over 1800 students are schooled from primary through to secondary and sixth form, and all from communities who would otherwise have a typically low level of education.

From the School of St Jude, the team travelled into the rainforests of Meru to host programmes with local community projects, such as Peace Matunda Organisation, who run free primary schooling for children in their local community. Founded and managed by the local community Mshili leader, this is a fantastic start for children who seek to have a strong foundation in education and progress to a diverse working life.

The Initiative then set out to the remote and altogether very different environment of the Longido district, bordering Kenya in the north and the famous Ngorongoro crater, along the Great Rift Valley. The communities here are predominately Maasai and the team were extremely pleased to spend time with friends, schools and children who we have worked with over the past few years.

Overall, the trip was extremely productive and a great success. We will be posting more about our findings, developments and new partnerships soon.

A full report of this trip is available from Bright Green Enterprise and can be accessed by contacting Lucy Devall.


Students listening to the morning briefing.

Concept building: discussing ideas, delegating roles and responsibilities, getting creative!

Concept building: discussing ideas, delegating roles and responsibilities, getting creative!

Designing their company profile and branding.

Designing their company profile and branding.


Building the prototype - this is the award winning 'Tour-let-Bus', a bio-fuel revolution!

Building the prototype – this is the award winning ‘Tour-let-Bus’, a bio-fuel revolution!

Presenting to the judging panel and peers.

Presenting to the judging panel and peers.

Promoting the product with moves too fast for the camera...

Promoting the product with moves too fast for the camera…

The prize giving ceremony! Cash investment for each team.

The prize giving ceremony! Cash investment for each team.





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