Bright Green Enterprise

Enterprise in Tanzania

Reframing the narrative

Bright Green Enterprise has been working with schools in Tanzania since 2012, delivering enterprise events, maker challenges and sponsorship for educational Science and Innovation fairs.

We aim to provide a positive reflection and showcase of Tanzanian youth talent that seeks to counter-act the often negative, poverty stereotypes associated with ‘developing’ environments. Our Tanzanian students take part in our international skills-sharing challenge, Creative Disruptors, which aims to showcase both UK and Tanzanian students’ innovative ideas and work.

Enterprise Education at the School of St Jude, Tanzania, East Africa
African Enterprise Education in action at School of St Jude, Tanzania, image of

Our mission

We work to provide an innovative education model through project-based learning, bringing teachers into the pedagogical approach through active participation in workshops. 

To develop young people’s skills in critical thinking, to foster self-reliance and to encourage a ‘can-do’ attitude to problem-solving social and environmental issues.

To support the National Curriculum of Tanzania, applying project-based learning to Science, Technology, Geography and Citizenship. 

Our programmes

Our programmes have been designed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals across the private and public sector. We believe this makes us advantageous in our efforts to advance educational development goals – the same ethos we bring into our UK programmes. Our programmes can be (and have been) delivered into the most challenging of environments: from tropical rainforests to remote savannahs.

We work with in-country organisations, including technology makerspaces and have been supported by alternative energy technology companies.


Innovation for Sustainable Development

All of our programmes are complemented by real-life case studies of sustainable design and business practice. Our organisational structure ensures we always strive to reflect and practice our core values  – to impart ethical and sustainable practice.

Although the learning environments we operate in may vary, commonalities lie within each child’s ability to think creatively, logically and to conceptualise the future in which they wish to live.

How to get Involved

If you are a school either in the UK or Tanzania that would like to find out how we can support your curriculum, please contact us.

We are always looking to enrich our programmes with interesting case studies on innovation and global issues as well as different perspectives on industry practice.


Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited | Copyright 2024 Bright Green Enterprise Education Limited